Northern Phoenix Adults & Youth Krav Maga Classes

You don't have to live in fear of a violent attack

Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness is the Self Defense Training program for Protecting Yourself in Life Threatening Situations. If you’re looking for “Krav Maga Classes near me”, look no further, as we are the Phoenix area’s premiere school for Krav Maga Classes.

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The truth about your chances of being assaulted ...

Here's some stats for violent crime offenses recorded last year...

  • 0k+

    Aggravated Assault Crimes

  • 0k+

    First and Second Degree Murders

  • 0k+

    Forcible/Statutory/Marital Rape

  • 0k+

    Theft and Robbery

You only have seconds to save your life if attacked

Here at
Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness

Our krav maga classes help you develop real world krav maga and teach you self defense skills to protect yourself and the ones you love when it matters most.

Our students feel more aware of their surroundings, feel more confident about reacting, and feel more likely to get away if attacked.

How much better would you feel knowing you’re ready to handle dangerous situations with self defense?

Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness is for EVERYONE Youth, Teens and Adults

Gain confidence
protecting yourself with krav maga techniques, regardless of your size or age
Protect against
punches, kicks, chokes, bear hugs, headlocks, and hair pulls
strength, power, flexibility, stamina, and endurance
how and where to strike your attacker's soft spots (pressure points)
Disarming gun,
stick, and knife attacks
Develop skills
for protecting yourself on the ground
Learn ways
to be more aware of your surroundings
Discover Krav Maga
History and most of all,
Have fun and learn
with people just like you wanting to protect themselves

Is Krav Maga Effective and how do our Fitness Program Work?

Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness is not a fight club, a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) gym, or competition training – it’s a system for protecting yourself when a real-life and unexpected attack happens. Our approach incorporates the principles of Krav Maga, a tactical and combative self defense classes that puts great emphasis on continuous motion, attacks to an assailant’s soft spots, and simultaneous defense and attack.

The goal of our Krav Maga classes is for success regardless of experience, age, gender, or physical ability. The basic principle is to inflict as much pain on your attacker to end the attack as soon as possible and GET AWAY. To do that, we use a skills-building cardio-based training format for building muscle memory, strength, power, flexibility, stamina, endurance, and more!

Who's behind Phoenix Krav Maga And Fitness?

Sifu Matthew Numrich

A natural leader and teacher. He graduated from Concordia University Chicago with a Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In the beginning, he began studying martial arts and training under Sifu Paul Vunak (under Guru Dan Inosanto) in Bruce Lees’s art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). He founded his own studio in the Chicago suburbs shortly after being certified as one of only a handful of Full Instructors of JKD and the Filipino Martial Arts.

He also holds a Certified Executive Instructor position under Progressive Fighting Systems, which is the “crème de la crème” in functional Jeet Kune Do (JKD).  Mr. Numrich has also had the pleasure of training with some of the other elite JKD instructors such as Sifu Larry Hartsell (original student of Bruce Lee) and Thomas Cruse (past instructor of the Navy Seals).

Mr. Numrich has written a manuscript on JKD, in addition to over one hundred articles in U.S. and international martial arts magazines and combat newsletters. In 2001, he completed the first JKD on DVD instructional series, which is now distributed around the world. Mr. Numrich was used as a public media resource after the attacks of 9/11, in addition to running several out-of-state seminars. In late 2003, he was invited to teach instructors of the Federal Air Marshal’s Chicago O’Hare office.  Since then he has been contracted out and worked with everyone from the US Army to the Navy, the ATF, and numerous law enforcement agencies.

However, he is most proud of the fact that he has personally taught and trained over 7,000 civilians of different backgrounds, athletic abilities, ages, and sizes on how to protect themselves with self defense while getting in the best shape of their lives. Now heading up his school in Northern Phoenix, he still teaches all of the adult classes Krav Maga, while his wife Stephanie, a certified instructor, teaches all of the youth Krav Maga classes.

What You Can Expect at Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness Self-Defense

Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness is more than “krav maga” self defense training; it’s a FAMILY!

We pride ourselves on treating each other with respect and supporting each other inside and outside of krav maga classes.

We offer a free first krav maga class so you can experience Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness before joining because it’s the best way to discover how our self defense classes is for everyone regardless of age or fitness level.

Call or Text (623) 300-6114 now for your krav maga training!

What Our Students Say About Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness

Phx Krav Fit Men's Classes

You would not believe the range of people I have in my adult Krav Maga classes. Construction workers, bankers, lawyers, sales reps, full time college students, law enforcement, other martial arts instructors, car mechanics, business owners, and even retirees. What do all of these people have in common?

Listen to what our Krav Maga students has to say …

Men's Krav Maga Classes

Phx Krav Fit Women's Classes

Women have been searching for “Krav Maga Near Me” or “Self Defense Classes near me” and with that women are one of our fastest growing student groups, and they should be because this is the group attackers target.

Compared to the average male attacker, most women on average are smaller, physically weaker, and more apt to be carrying shopping/grocery bags, holding kids, etc. Learn to defend yourself with Krav Maga !

Listen to what our women  students has to say about our krav maga classes…

Women's Krav Maga Classes

Parents and Youth Students

Your Child Only Has Seconds To Save Their Life From A Violent Attacker. At Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness, your child will get real-world skills to protect themselves. They’ll be more aware of their surroundings, more confident about how to react, and more likely to get away if attacked.

Listen to what Krav Maga Parents has to say…

Protect Your Child Now!

See what some of our students have to say

Schedule a Free Class !

Chris Polaki, father of 2

Team sports help but it seems short term, but the benefits through martial arts are for life.

Chris Polaki, father of 2

Kathy Syre, parent

I saw my son crawl out of his shell shortly after he started classes, as he gained a lot of self-confidence. He is also a lot more outgoing.

Kathy Syre, parent

Zonan Whyte, father of 2 with previous martial arts experience

I did karate as a kid, and what you’re doing is totally different. I brought my son in to improve in school, and within a short time he was doing better such as spelling tests, now both of my kids are full of energy.

Zonan Whyte, father of 2 with previous martial arts experience

Heather Ballard, mother of 8

My husband and I made the decision we wanted our children to learn Krav Maga, because it is the most effective.

Heather Ballard, mother of 8

Sara Perez, mother of 3

After a few months of lessons, I noticed my son was able to concentrate on his homework better, and was able to change his activities quickly and quietly without a fuss.

Sara Perez, mother of 3

Linda Jacobs, single mother

I laughed when I heard that these martial arts classes would teach my child discipline, confidence, and self-esteem… But now he is a better student who is confident and respectful. It changed his life!

Linda Jacobs, single mother

Schedule me for a Free Class

Send us your information so that we can schedule you for a free class at the soonest possible time