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Thanks for checking this out. Whether you're a student of mine or a visitor, I wanted to make this challenge available to everyone. I'll be running two sessions of the "12 Moves of Krav-mas". The first session will run from December 11th to the 22nd, and the other session from December 26th to January 6th.

For the 12 Days a Christmas I'll be putting out a challenge to others to stay active and safe over the Christmas season. To make the challenge easy for all, even those who have never done a self-defense class in their life, here are the rules:

  1. Easy Schedule: I'm extending the "12 days" to be the 12 days before and 12 days after Christmas Eve / Christmas, for a double dose of holiday cheer. 😉 Cycle 1 will go from Dec 12th to the 23rd... and a second round will go from the 26th till January 6th.
  2. Easy Moves: Starting on December 11th(1st session) / December26th(2nd session) I'll release one mini self-defense lesson and move online through our Facebook (FB) and Instagram (I) page. I'll be tagging all of my students on Facebook AND using the main hashtag of #phxkravmas. All you have to do to participate is video record yourself doing the moves. That's it! Simply record yourself doing 12 reps of the move. You'll have 24 hours from the time of posting to complete the challenge.
  3. Easy Training: Every day, I'll add on another move, which you'll add on to your challenge. When I release "move #2", you'll do 12 reps of move #1, and then 12 reps of move #2. Each new move will simply be added onto your workout. For example, when you get to move #6, you'll be doing 12 reps of # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then #6. This builds incredible momentum, while giving you a great workout. Remember, you'll post each workout on your Facebook and/or Instagram page. Oh, of course, also make sure you tag our Phx Krav Fit Facebook page and/or hashtags for each video.
  4. Easy Giving: You'll inspire and educate others by posting online to your Facebook or Instagram page. BUT, you can also call out you friends and family specifically through inviting them to join you by having them register at . When you're doing your vids you can also get them involved by tagging them directly.
  5. Easy Prizes:

Students - When you've posted all 12 workouts online, you'll be entered into our drawing for one of three Visa Check Cards! Certifying you are a bonafide tough guy... or girl! Just make sure you tag our Phx Krav Fit Facebook page and/or hashtags for each video. You'll also get a free Krav Maga DVD.

Non-Students - When you've posted all 12 workouts online, you've won a free WEEK of classes at our gym, anytime from January 4-16. There is no obligation to continue with us! Oh, of course, also make sure you tag our Phx Krav Fit Facebook page and/or hashtags for each video.

Special Drawing for All - On Friday, January 15th, I'll be doing a live drawing on Facebook for everyone who participated and completed all 12 days three prizes:

A. $100 Visa Check Card
B. $50 Visa Check Card
C. $25 Visa Check Card

How to start this challenge:


Sign up here if you want to challenge yourself with Krav-mas:


Set a reminder on your cell phone right now to check out our Facebook and Instagram on Wednesday, December 26th to start the program and check out the first video/move.


Let's spread the word, and help people get happy, healthy and safe this holiday! You can tag your friends and family off of our Facebook post or invite them through Instagram!

Thanks for your help and support! I'll see you online on December 26th to kick everything off for the second time! Let's do this!

Merry Christmas,

Matt Numrich,
Chief Instructor of Phoenix Krav Maga and Fitness