Phoenix Krav Maga And Fitness Self Defense & Fitness Jump Start Pack

for Adults And Teens


Sorry you couldn't make it in for your scheduled class. We have an incredible "Class Reschedule Offer" which we only give to people on our VIP list. Here is what you get:

1 Group Class

Learn The 3 Parts Of Any AttackFind Out How To Get Fit Without "Working Out"

Participate In Our "Switch" Drill That Burns Calories Easily

Learn How To Make Your New Defense Skills Second Nature


Krav Maga T-shirt


Quick Start Nutrition Plan


Jump Start Your Fitness Goals With An Easy Nutrition Plan

Krav Maga DVD


Physical DVD And Digital Download

Get The Techniques You Learned On Video, Plus A Bonus Lesson!

Register now and we'll call you within 24 hours to book your class on an upcoming Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (evenings) or Saturday (morning). Please indicate your best two days on the registration page. We will then contact you to confirm your best day!