Summer News


  1. Did you know you can update your email, home address, even your picture, etc on the Zen app?? Please take a look and make sure we have the correct info for you as we have been getting emails bounced back to us.
  2. Please be signing into the app on your phone or the Ipad at the gym every class you attend. As we have learned over the many years doing this…consistency is the catalyst for change! And having a record of your attendance helps you stay on track and helps us keep you on track.
  3. A Phoenix Krav Maga shirt is now MANDATORY as of March, 2023. Please see the attached for why this is important and what happens if you come to class without your shirt…dun, dun, dun! 🙂
  4. Testing reminders: Level 1 testers you will be on the list at the gym and should have gotten an email if you are eligible this time around. Levels 2-6 testers you are eligible if you tested LAST August. Please see links for you to register.
  5. Please become members of your social media pages as well as your LEVEL page, as so much information is shared there especially review videos. (Start off with “Anthem Fight Club”’s private page.)
  6. As classes have gotten larger (whoo hoo!! we are reaching more people with this important life saving information), we are utilizing the waiting room more and more. Please be aware that a class, especially youth classes, use that area. So when you come in, use your inside voice 🙂 and keep to the seating area to allow classes to continue their training until your class starts. And please stay out of the main class area, unless using the restroom, as it is a distraction to the class going on.



Schedule me for a Free Class

Send us your information so that we can schedule you for a free class at the soonest possible time