Youth Policies

Dear Krav Parents,

As we begin 2022, and really kick start our fitness, confidence and self-defense, I wanted to share with you some old and new policies about class and testing.

  1. Please remember that wearing shirts to class is part of their uniform. Their Krav shirts needs to be worn EVERY class. Also, please have your child wear tennis shoes to class as it is dangerous for them to be in flip flops, sandals, or slides. Girls please wear your hair back in pony tails or buns as this will make ground and choke defenses safer and make it easier for you to train.
  2. Stripe testing is a requirement. Please try to have your child present for testing if at all possible. Testing is a great way for them to see their own progress and keep them motivated.
  3. Stripe testing occurs every three months. To qualify for stripe testing, a student must be present at class at least 60% of the three-month block. This breaks down to 15 times over the 12 weeks. However, I highly recommend for a student to truly be successful, they attend 80% of the time. This breaks down to 19 times over the 12 weeks. (Consistently coming twice a week would be a great goal to shoot for!) Use the Zen app to help track their attendance.
  4. Although self-defense is our focus, we teach and practice many things in class like focus, respect, trustworthiness, kindness, etc. I am teaching your child life skills in addition to life saving skills. Therefore, there will now be a behavioral component (how they behave in class) to every stripe and level testing. This will be calculated into their score to determine a passing grade.
  5. Character sheets and parent permission/feedback sheets must be filled out and returned before the test.
  6. If a student receives a score of 60% or less, this is considered failing the stripe/level test. If a student fails the stripe test, they will have one chance to try again during the makeup test which will be one week later.
  7. Level testing comes after earning 3-4 stripes and is by instructor invitation. Level testing is a privilege and a student must truly be ready to move up before being allowed to test. (Knowledge of techniques and behavior are both considered)

Again, I want to equip your child for life as well as give them tools to defend themselves if they should ever find themselves in a dangerous situation. Please partner with me now so they can be successful in the future.

Thank you and if you have any questions about this please text or email me.

Stephanie Numrich
Head Youth Instructor

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